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German teachers’ day: city tour and workshop

09:45 - 16:30

Under the motto ‘In search of German-language traces in Brussels’, we offer you a diverse day that starts at 9:45 am at Brussels Central Station with an interactive city tour and the search for German-language traces and continues after a convivial lunch at the Goethe-Institut at 1:15 pm with a practice-oriented workshop on regional studies and didactisation.

Our information stands also offer the opportunity to talk and exchange ideas with colleagues from all over the country.
We accept registrations here: Online-Anmeldung – Deutschlehrkräftetag 2024 – Goethe-Institut Belgien


Zentralbahnhof Brüssel / Goethe-Institut Brüssel


19. October
09:45 - 16:30

Event categories:


Goethe-Institut Brüssel