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Reading and discussion with Margret Kreidl

18:30 - 20:30

In her poetry and prose as well as in her theatre plays, libretti and radio plays, the Vienna-based freelance writer Margret Kreidl weaves richly associative tapestries of sound, reactivating a variety of lyrical forms and traditions. Memories and dreams, references to texts from world literature and iconic works of art are interwoven with trivial elements such as headlines and weather reports in a playful way that leaves room for further thoughts and allusions.

Kreidl writes radio plays (e.g. ‘Eine Schwalbe falten’, composition: António Breitenfeld Sá Dantas, ORF 2017) and performances (e.g. ‘EINLEUCHTEND WEISS’, compositions by Sanziana Dobrovicescu, Clemens Nachtmann and Antonis Rouvelas, KULTUM, Graz 2021). She has also published numerous books, including Ich bin eine Königin. Performances, Wieser Verlag 1996; In allen Einzelheiten. Catalogue, Ritter Verlag 1998; Hier schläft das Tier mit Zöpfen. Gedichte mit Fußnoten, Berger Verlag 2018. In the Edition Korrespondenzen: Laute Paare. Szenen Bilder Listen, 2002; Mitten ins Herz, 2005; Eine Schwalbe falten, 2009; Einfache Erklärung. Alphabet der Träume, 2014; Zitat, Zikade. Zu den Sätzen, 2017; Schlüssel zum Offenen. Gedichte, 2021; Mehr Frauen als Antworten. Gedichte mit Fußnoten, 2023. The volume Wien, Schwedenplatz polyphon, arranged by her together with Lucas Cejpek, has just been published by Sonderzahl-Verlag. She has been teaching aesthetics and creative writing at the Max Reinhardt Seminar since 2015.


Université Libre de Bruxelles, département Langues et Lettres


14. October
18:30 - 20:30

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