Do you also have interesting propositions? Would you like to participate? Please contact us at (Belgischer Germanisten- und Deutschlehrerverband). We would be delighted to have you with us!
Fanny, a seventeen-year-old French high school student, travels to Germany as part of a language exchange program. In Leipzig, she meets her pen pal Lena, who is the same age and dreams of becoming politically active. To impress Lena, the rather shy and introverted Fanny invents a different life for herself but soon becomes trapped in her lies.
After C’est ça l’amour, a sensitive drama about fatherhood with Bouli Lanners, Claire Burger tells in Foreign Language the story of the political and romantic awakening of two teenage girls, navigating between passion, wonder, and radicalism.
Upcoming Screenings
Tue. October 15, 2024 12:10 PM
Tue. October 15, 2024 1:45 PM
Fanny, a seventeen-year-old French high school student, travels to Germany as part of a language exchange program. In Leipzig, she meets her pen pal Lena, who is the same age and dreams of becoming politically active. To impress Lena, the rather shy and introverted Fanny invents a different life for herself but soon becomes trapped in her lies.
After C’est ça l’amour, a sensitive drama about fatherhood with Bouli Lanners, Claire Burger tells in Foreign Language the story of the political and romantic awakening of two teenage girls, navigating between passion, wonder, and radicalism.
Upcoming Screenings
Mon. October 14, 2024 4:15 PM_Where? Cinéma Churchill, 20, rue du Mouton Blanc B-4000 Liège
Mon. October 14, 2024 4:30 PM_Where? Cinéma Caméo, Rue des Carmes 49, B-5000 Namur
Tue. October 15, 2024 12:10 PM_Where?Cinéma Churchill, 20, rue du Mouton Blanc B-4000 Liège
Tue. October 15, 2024 1:45 PM_Where? Cinéma Caméo, Rue des Carmes 49, B-5000 Namur
After some information about the development and product range of Belgian Broadcasting, we will visit the radio studios, the television studio, and the TV control room.
Registration is recommended but not mandatory:
Contact person: Sylke Tegtmeier
Wim Wenders, a filmmaker of wandering and space, which he films like a photographer, presents an existential and contemplative road movie that foreshadows his cult work Paris, Texas.
A young German journalist, reporting from the USA, is stranded at a strike-bound airport. A woman in the same situation entrusts him with her little daughter Alice. They are supposed to meet in Amsterdam. However, at the meeting point, the young woman is nowhere to be found…
With an introduction and presentation by Dick Tomasovic, Professor of Film Studies at the University of Liège.
The adult education school, CVO Semper in Brussels, located on the northern outskirts of the city, invites you to an exciting reading with an EU staff member.
The theme of the reading is Europe.
Film by Matthias Glasner
Berliner Ballade (Robert A. Stemmle,1948) – 85′
Faust (Murnau, 1926) – 118’
Silent film with subtitled German intertitles, accompanied live on piano
Berliner Ballade (Robert A. Stemmle,1948) – 85′
Kameradschaft (G.W. Pabst, 1931) – 87′
Faust (Murnau, 1926) – 118’
Silent film with subtitled German intertitles, accompanied live on piano.
Gegen die Wand (Fatih Akin, 2003) – 121′
An elitist Viennese boarding school, housed in the former summer residence of the Habsburgs, the class teacher an antiquated and despotic man. What can one learn from life there? Till Kokorda can’t do much with either the canon or the snobbish environment. His passion is gaming, specifically the real-time strategy game Age of Empires 2. After the death of his father, this hobby becomes a necessity. Unbeknownst to anyone around him, Till is an online celebrity at the age of fifteen for being the youngest top 10 player in the world. But how real is his happiness? In 2020, Till’s final year of school, things take a turn he didn’t expect – both at school as in life.
Tonio Schachinger, born in New Dehli in 1992, grew up in Nicaragua and Vienna. He studied German language and literature at the University of Vienna and language and arts at the University of Applied Arts Vienna. In 2023, he received the German Book Prize for his novel “Echtzeitalter”.
On the occasion of the 100th anniversary of Franz Kafka’s death, the Goethe-Institut Belgium, as part of its Europanetzwerk Deutsch program and its educational cooperation initiative, invites you to an exhibition featuring the comic biography Komplett Kafka, created in collaboration with the artist Nicolas Mahler and the Literaturhaus Stuttgart.
The exhibition will be accompanied by a literary conversation with Nicolas Mahler, during which he will present his book and discuss his work on this biography. In his inimitably witty and pointed style, Mahler brings Kafka’s life and work to the stage, incorporating the great unknowns of Kafka’s life and oeuvre into his own work. Registrations for the event can be made here:
Doors open: from 6:30 p.m.
Start: 7:00 p.m.
Culture from East Belgium
Nebensache – secondary matter
A theatre play – for all, ages 6 and up
A Secondary matter. A commonplace story. A story without headline.
Every night, Cornelius sleeps in a different place. Today he wakes up in a corner of a room. It could perhaps be a class room. He is just passing through. He is always on a journey. He is roaming the land, as he has no home made of stone or wood or concrete or ice. His home is the being-on-the-move and the people he encounters.
He possesses nothing, except for a miserable pram. That was not always the case. But now, he stores his few poor possessions and his story in this pram. It is this story that he tells every one who wants to hear it. It is a story about luck and about what you need to be happy. About possession and loss. About debts and guilt. About farmers and banks. About hopelessness and the courage to make a fresh start.
After he has told his story, he hits the road again. Tomorrow, Cornelius will wake up in another room. Maybe it is a theatre.
Nebensache is a production of the AGORA Theatre (Sankt Vith, Belgium) based on the play Nebensache by Jakob Mendel & Gitte Kath, translated by Volker Quandt (1994) and published by Harlekin Theaterverlag (Tübingen). The play is directed by Kurt Pothen and performed by Roland Schumacher.
Please register via email at until 9 October.
The German departments of the University of Namur and of the Haute-École de la Province de Namur would like to invite you to their treasure hunt on the theme of “German culture in Namur”. Embark with us on a journey of discovery through Namur and solve exciting riddles about German culture. Our treasure hunt will take you to various locations where you can collect clues to help you answer those questions and learn more about German culture and traditions. At the end of the treasure hunt, great prizes await you as well as a cosy reception with German delicatessen.
The event is bilingual (German/French), and therefore accessible to all! Participation is free, but advance registration is required.
If you are interested, please send us an e-mail at the following address: We look forward to your participation!
4:00 pm: Start of the treasure hunt (Meeting point: Rue Grafé 1)
From 6:00 pm: Presentation of the prizes and reception
An elitist Viennese boarding school, housed in the former summer residence of the Habsburgs, the class teacher an antiquated and despotic man. What can one learn from life there? Till Kokorda can’t do much with either the canon or the snobbish environment. His passion is gaming, specifically the real-time strategy game Age of Empires 2. After the death of his father, this hobby becomes a necessity. Unbeknownst to anyone around him, Till is an online celebrity at the age of fifteen for being the youngest top 10 player in the world. But how real is his happiness? In 2020, Till’s final year of school, things take a turn he didn’t expect – both at school as in life.
Tonio Schachinger, born in New Dehli in 1992, grew up in Nicaragua and Vienna. He studied German language and literature at the University of Vienna and language and arts at the University of Applied Arts Vienna. In 2023, he received the German Book Prize for his novel “Echtzeitalter”.
In her poetry and prose as well as in her theatre plays, libretti and radio plays, the Vienna-based freelance writer Margret Kreidl weaves richly associative tapestries of sound, reactivating a variety of lyrical forms and traditions. Memories and dreams, references to texts from world literature and iconic works of art are interwoven with trivial elements such as headlines and weather reports in a playful way that leaves room for further thoughts and allusions.
Kreidl writes radio plays (e.g. ‘Eine Schwalbe falten’, composition: António Breitenfeld Sá Dantas, ORF 2017) and performances (e.g. ‘EINLEUCHTEND WEISS’, compositions by Sanziana Dobrovicescu, Clemens Nachtmann and Antonis Rouvelas, KULTUM, Graz 2021). She has also published numerous books, including Ich bin eine Königin. Performances, Wieser Verlag 1996; In allen Einzelheiten. Catalogue, Ritter Verlag 1998; Hier schläft das Tier mit Zöpfen. Gedichte mit Fußnoten, Berger Verlag 2018. In the Edition Korrespondenzen: Laute Paare. Szenen Bilder Listen, 2002; Mitten ins Herz, 2005; Eine Schwalbe falten, 2009; Einfache Erklärung. Alphabet der Träume, 2014; Zitat, Zikade. Zu den Sätzen, 2017; Schlüssel zum Offenen. Gedichte, 2021; Mehr Frauen als Antworten. Gedichte mit Fußnoten, 2023. The volume Wien, Schwedenplatz polyphon, arranged by her together with Lucas Cejpek, has just been published by Sonderzahl-Verlag. She has been teaching aesthetics and creative writing at the Max Reinhardt Seminar since 2015.
The Week for German will be officially opened by Bas Böttcher, a German writer and poetry slammer, on Monday, 14 October 2024, at 6.30 pm.
Bas Böttcher is one of the co-founders of the German-language spoken word scene. His texts are regarded as classics of contemporary stage poetry. They appear in textbooks and important collections of German poetry (Der Neue Conrady, Lyrikstimmen and others). Together with Wolf Hogekamp, he published the first poetry clip DVD in 2005. (Voland & Quist/Lingua Video). He has also published the poetry collections “Dies ist kein Konzert” (2006), “Neonomade” (2009) and “Vorübergehende Schönheit” (2012) with Voland & Quist.
His performance will mix both German and English words.
Please register by 30 September by e-mail to
Admission is free.
The following day, Bas Böttcher will be holding workshops at the German Embassy to introduce German language learners to the techniques of slam poetry.
A wonderful opportunity to discover slam and meet a German slammer, but also a great chance to practice the German language!
On Wednesday, October 16th, the German poetry slammer Paul Bank will once again come to Liège for a workshop. He will work on German spoken-word texts with pupils and students. Creative fun guaranteed!
Languages: German and French (translation and interpreting will be provided to allow beginners to participate).
This event is open to everyone, with special attention to students.
Free, but registration required
The films that will be discussed are: Greetings from Fukushima by Doris Dörrie, Sonnenallee by Leander Haußmann and Rien à déclarer by Dany Boon.
Socialise, exchange languages and toast together: That sounds like a cultural cocktail not to be missed! At our online meeting, we bring German speakers together with Dutch-speaking German learners. The aim of the evening: informal conversations in a relaxed atmosphere.
Are you a German speaker and would like to meet German learners and practise your Dutch at the same time? Or are you learning German and looking forward to conversations with German native speakers? Then sign up for our online speed dating!
Register here if you are learning German.
Register here if you are learning Dutch.
Two days before the event you will receive an email with the zoom link and further information.
Austria 2022, Goiginger
Germany 1982, Herzog
Germany 2023, Petzold
Switzerland 2017, Volpe
Are you a German speaker and would like to meet German learners and practise some Dutch at the same time? Or are you learning German and looking forward to talking to German native speakers? Then sign up for our online speed dating!
Register here if you are learning German.
Register here if you are learning Dutch.
Two days before the event you will receive an email with the zoom link and further information.
Germany 1999, Haußman
Germany 1924, Murnau
Austria 2022, Goiginger
Spoken Word Workshop with a Ghent poetry slammer and a German poetry slammer, supported by the DAAD”.
Presentation of the results of the workshop from 18.10.
Germany 2023, Petzold
05:45 pm admission
06:00 pm welcoming address by
Carmen Johannsen, Head of the EU-Office of the State of Saxony-Anhalt to the EU
06:05 pm presentation of the Luther cities of Wittenberg and Eisleben by
Nina Mütze, Directorate Communication and Marketing of the foundation ‘Stiftung Luthergedenkstätten in Sachsen-Anhalt’
06:15 pm “Von realen Klosterstürmern und angeblichen Kommunisten – Der deutsche Bauernkrieg von 1525 als europäisches Phänomen”
(About real monastery attackers and alleged communists – The German Peasants’ War of 1525 as a European phenomenon) by
Dr. Thomas T. Müller, Director of the foundation ‘Stiftung Luthergedenkstätten Sachsen-Anhalt’
06:45 pm musical interlude by the vocal ensemble KeinChor (
07:00 pm panel discussion with Frederik Koßmann, pastor of the Emmaus Church
Dr. Thomas T. Müller, Director of the foundation ‘Stiftung Luthergedenkstätten’
Bastian Brombach, State Chancellery and Ministry of Culture of the State of Saxony-Anhalt (moderator)
07:20 pm musical offering by KeinChor
07:45 pm stand-up reception and “World heritage-Wheel of Fortune”
09:00 pm end of the event
Contact: If interested, please contact Ms. Kerstin Pagel at:; 0032 2 741 09 31
Website :
Switzerland 2017, Volpe
Germany 1924, Murnau
On October 16, 2023 at 6.30 p.m. on the premises of the German Embassy in Brussels, the Terzett HFH music ensemble will officially open the German language week Woche für Deutsch / Week van het Duits / Semaine de l’allemand.
The three singers Anna Schote, Katharina Veit and Elise Malcher are the founding members of the vocal ensemble Terzett HFH. Together, they all three won the First Prize at the 2023 German Choir Competition.
On October 16, we will have the honour of experiencing them in a live performance.
After this feast for the ears, we will round off the evening with culinary specialities from the German-speaking countries.
We look forward to seeing you there!
Admission is free.
If interested, please register before 9 October 2023 via e-mail at by 9 October 2023.
Contact : Ms. Florence Lamand:
Germany 2023, Petzold
Der letzte Mann_Filmwoche@Cinema ZED
What career opportunities do you have with German? How international and multilingual is the port of Antwerp? Communicating spontaneously with customers in German – is that possible? Immerse yourself in the professional practice of different speakers and learn how multilingualism can become a key to success.
This event is organised by the Business & Languages, Supply Chain Management, Internationaal Ondernemen and KMO Management programmes of the Karel de Grote Hogeschool.
Contact :
Spoken Word Workshop with a poetry slammer from Ghent and a German poetry slammer. This workshop is supported by the DAAD”.
Workshop for students of German at UGent, led by Paul Bank (Stolberg) and Loeke Van Houtteghem (Ghent).
Performance on the evening of Thursday 19 October.
registration: Prof. Dr. Torsten Leuschner:
For all publics
Day: Tuesday, 17th October 2023
Time: 7 p.m.
In his book, Spiegel-magazine’s bestselling author Roland Kaehlbrandt uses ten likeable and tangible assets to show how well-built the German language really is and how accessible it therefore is.
Practical examples and a lot of humour accompany us on this knowledgeable foray through the endearing and useful qualities of an old and at the same time highly lively, beautiful language.
Prof. Dr. Roland Kaehlbrandt teaches linguistics with a focus on language and society at the Alanus University of Arts and Social Sciences (North Rhine-Westphalia). He is a member of the Board of Trustees of the Deutsche Akademie für Sprache und Dichtung (German Academy for Language and Poetry).
© Philip Kaehlbrandt
The reading is the result of a cooperation between Deutschcafé Antwerp and the German Embassy in Brussels. Participation is free of charge, but we kindly ask you to register via the [LINK] Deutschcafé website. The evening will conclude with a reception.
CONTACT : Deutschcafé Antwerpen
In the week for German, the German department of the Université de Namur offers an activity on the topic of the film “Rumspringa – An Amish in Berlin”. This will take place on Monday 16.10.2023 from 1 to 4 pm.
At 1pm, the comedy “Rumspringa – An Amish in Berlin” will be screened (in German with French subtitles):
A young Amish man travels to Berlin to return to his roots. Alternative lifestyles, love and a big decision await him. (Netflix)
After the screening, a quiz on the film will be organised, including the topic of German emigration to America. May the best one win!
Rue de Bruxelles 61 B-5000 Namur
Contact: Emma Joveneau:
Annette Müllender and Robert Maaswinkel have taken a masterful look at politics in East Belgium in their drawings. The exhibition shows a selection of over 50 drawings from the numerous pictures that the two caricaturists made available to the Parliament. In 50 years of parliamentary work, there were many opportunities to take up the pen and tackle issues. Election campaigns, financial issues, the fourth region or the relocation of the Parliament offered the opportunity to deal with East Belgian politics in a humorous way, but also to raise an admonitory finger. On Wednesday 18th of October, the exhibition will close with a finissage. The programme will include excerpts from the programme of the cabaret group “Jedermann”Sylke Tegtmeier:
Contact person :
During the Week for German, Cinema ZED in Leuven presents gems from the German, Austrian and Swiss film world. From classics to current award-winning films: there is something for everyone!
We are happy to announce the programme on our website! Tickets go on sale at the end of September on the wensite of Cinema ZED: Woche für Deutsch | Cinema ZED
Fireworks at the Annakirmes in Düren. A mysterious message lures 88-year-old Alexander Rütters into the ghost train. The ride ends fatally and Aachen inspector Fett, together with his assistant Schmelzer, takes on the investigation. The search for clues leads the detective duo not only to the Rur Lake and the Jülich nuclear research facility, but also to Liège, more specifically: to Outremeuse and right into the city’s town hall. What is the enigmatic word “Rurschatten” about? Has Rütters belatedly caught up with his wartime past? In the end, even the Belgian secret service comes into play…
A thrilling crime novel, written by an ardent admirer of Liège master Georges Simenon, will be heard in excerpts this evening. The author will read in German, while individual passages will be read in French in a translation made by students of the Université de Liège. During the subsequent discussion with the author, interpretation into French will be provided if necessary.
Olaf Müller was born in 1959 in Düren, but considers the border area between Germany, Belgium and the Netherlands his home. Trained as a bookseller, he studied German and comparative literature at the RWTH in Aachen. Since 2007, he has been head of cultural affairs for the city of Aachen. He has since written seven crime novels in which the Euroregion with its cross-border culture and history always plays a central role.
Link :
Strong words, speaking pictures – A cultural evening with 2 artists from East Belgium
Jessy James LaFleur – Spoken Word Artist
Joshua Cremer – musician and filmmaker
She: left “home” when still a young person and went out into the world.
He: still feels at home where he has always lived.
She: creates linguistic imagery, gripping pleas, tenderly, powerful and touching poetry to listen to.
He: creates strong imagery, dispenses with the spoken word, relies on the vibration of undertones.
What made the two of them the people, the artists they are today?
Is visual language also a mother tongue? How much mother tongue is there in pictures?
Do you have to go far away to find the right words? How to report on one’s homeland?
We cordially invite you to this exciting cultural evening with texts by Jessy James LaFleur and film excerpts by Joshua Cremer, who will both tell us a little more about themselves and their art in the course of the evening.
When? Wednesday, 18 October at 6:30pm (admission from 6pm).
Please register via by 11 October.
During the German language week, the Centre d’Études Allemandes of the Université de Liège invites you to an afternoon of board games. Only German will be spoken during the games! But don’t be afraid! We have selected games for all levels. Even those who have had few German lessons can join in!
After the event, there will be an opportunity to have a drink and find out more about the study of modern languages in Liège, especially German. Registration is requested.
In cooperation with the Université de Liège, Centre d’Études Allemandes
Contact and registration:
Grazia Berger and Vera Höltschi are lecturers at USL-B, they are originally from Switzerland and would like to talk to the participants about the special features of the country. Quiz and puzzles are also planned.
The exhibition of the bilingual comic by German comic artist, author and cartoonist Flix* Spirou in Berlin / Spirou à Berlin travels to Louvain-La-Neuve and leads visitors through an exciting adventure in Berlin at the time of the Wall.