The Week of German 2024 was a great success. With a comprehensive range of events for learners, teachers and all those interested in German, we put the German language and culture in the spotlight! On the
Weef of German's Facebook page you will find some highlights in words and pictures.
In 2025, there will be a German Week again! From 06 to 12 October, events will take place all over Belgium. All the practical information will be available on the website - so here - as soon as it becomes available.
Do you also have interesting propositions? Would you like to participate? Please contact us at (Belgischer Germanisten- und Deutschlehrerverband). We would be delighted to have you with us!
On Thursday, October 17th, the German Poetry Slammer Paul Bank will return to Ghent for a workshop. Together with the Ghent artist and Germanist Loeke Vanhoutteghem, he will work with […]
A wonderful opportunity to discover slam and meet a German slammer, but also a great chance to practice the German language! On Wednesday, October 16th, the German poetry slammer Paul […]
Atelier Marcel Hastir
Rue du Commerce, 51, Bruxelles
Culture from East Belgium Nebensache - secondary matter A theatre play – for all, ages 6 and up A Secondary matter. A commonplace story. A story without headline. Every […]
Link: Registration deadline for the German quiz (Friday, October 4th, 2024, 11:59 PM).
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